root@talos:~/elftest # ctfdump -t main.o.ctf - Types ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] INTEGER GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 encoding=CHAR offset=0 bits=8 [2] INTEGER long encoding=SIGNED offset=0 bits=64 [3] ARRAY (anon) content: 1 index: 2 nelems: 128 [4] INTEGER GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 encoding=SIGNED offset=0 bits=64 [5] TYPEDEF GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 refers to 4 <6> UNION (anon) (128 bytes) GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=3 off=0 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=5 off=0 [7] INTEGER int encoding=SIGNED offset=0 bits=32 [8] POINTER (anon) refers to 1 [9] [10] INTEGER GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 encoding=SIGNED offset=0 bits=16 [11] STRUCT GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 (16 bytes) GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=8 off=0 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=7 off=64 [12] INTEGER void encoding=SIGNED offset=0 bits=0 [13] POINTER (anon) refers to 12 [14] FUNCTION (anon) returns: 7 args: (13) [15] POINTER (anon) refers to 14 [16] FUNCTION (anon) returns: 7 args: (13, 8, 7) [17] POINTER (anon) refers to 16 [18] TYPEDEF GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 refers to 5 [19] TYPEDEF GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 refers to 18 [20] FUNCTION (anon) returns: 19 args: (13, 19, 7) [21] POINTER (anon) refers to 20 [22] CONST (anon) refers to 1 [23] POINTER (anon) refers to 22 [24] FUNCTION (anon) returns: 7 args: (13, 23, 7) [25] POINTER (anon) refers to 24 [26] ARRAY (anon) content: 1 index: 2 nelems: 3 [27] ARRAY (anon) content: 1 index: 2 nelems: 1 [28] POINTER (anon) refers to 11 [29] TYPEDEF GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 refers to 6 <30> STRUCT GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 (312 bytes) _p type=8 off=0 _r type=7 off=64 _w type=7 off=96 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=10 off=128 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=10 off=144 _bf type=11 off=192 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=7 off=320 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=13 off=384 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=15 off=448 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=17 off=512 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=21 off=576 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=25 off=640 _ub type=11 off=704 _up type=8 off=832 _ur type=7 off=896 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=26 off=928 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=27 off=952 _lb type=11 off=960 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=7 off=1088 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=19 off=1152 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=28 off=1216 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=28 off=1280 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=7 off=1344 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=7 off=1376 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=29 off=1408 GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 type=7 off=2432 <31> TYPEDEF GNU C17 8.2.0 -mabi=elfv2 -mtune=power9 -mcpu=powerpc64 -g -gdwarf-2 refers to 30